Among other form-related things, HTML5 adds a whole bunch of new values for the input element’s type attribute:
- search
- tel
- url
- datetime
- date
- month
- week
- time
- datetime-local
- number
- range
- color
That’s a lot of useful form controls you can create. Browser support isn’t all the way there yet of course, but some browsers do something useful with several of these input types.
To round this off, here are a few screenshots of the new input controls in browsers that support them.
<input type="tel"> in Safari on iPhone/iPod Touch:
<input type="url"> in Safari on iPhone/iPod Touch:
An interesting note is that on the iPhone/iPod Touch, the main difference between input types like text, number, url, tel, and email is how the on-screen keyboard changes to display the characters you are most likely to enter.
I’m very much looking forward to the day when all major browsers have full and consistent support for HTML5 input types. Unfortunately that isn’t likely to happen for many years, so until then I guess we’re stuck with the hackish JavaScript workarounds we use today for things like sliders and datepickers.
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